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Dynamics 365 - Business Process Flow and Things to take note before you upgrade into Dynamics 365.

In 2 months ago, my company decided to upgrade the Dynamics CRM 2016 into Dynamics 365 and there is something different about Dynamics 365 B...

Friday, December 29, 2017

Dynamics 365 : New Enhancements for Report in V9.0

With Dynamics 365 V9.0, Reports have now becoming more powerful.

You are now able to generate the report into 9 formats.

Report Format

1. Word

2. Excel


3. Power Point

4. PDF


5. TIFF File




7. CSV

8. XML file with report data

9. Data Feed

Report Print Option

Now user can print the report into different page size and orientation.

After you clicked on Print, a screen will pop up and now you are ready to print the file.

You are allowed to generate it as PDF after you clicked on Print

With these enhancements, users can reduce number of clicks to generate the report into desire format especially power point which my client always requested for presentation purpose.

Happy 365-ing.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Dynamics 365 :The user authentication passed to the platform is not valid

Recently, A message "the user authentication passed to the platform is not valid" was thrown while opening the report in CRM.

I have no idea what is going on, thus i turned on the CRM tracing and i found that the was something wrong with Report server.


1. Open Reporting Services Configuration Manager, and the service was stopped.


2. After some investigation, finally i found out the reason , it was because AD team changed the admin password without informing us.

3. Reactivate the Service and changed the password for Service Account

4.  Result

I hope this will save you some time and understand the reason behind it. Happy CRM-ing.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Dynamics 365 : Hit Object address not found on party or party is marked as non-emailable

Recently in my own CRM environment, i hit 1 error when trying to send an email to customer.


1. When a case created, i would like to send an email to customer but in the end i got this error.

2. Based on the provided log, i went for a check. unfortunately, the email is allow for this customer.

3. Thus, i went to user 's record (Sender) and i found that the email value is not exist.


1. Provide valid email to sender and receiver.

2. Make sure the email is marked as allow in receiver's record.

3. Once everything is provided correctly like pictures below. You should able to send an email successfully.



Final Result

I hope this will save you some time and understand the reason behind it. Happy 365-ing.